
Family Image

I come from a large family with 5 siblings, 2 sisters and 3 brothers. I have great parents that seem to be able to keep us all in line.

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My sister Desiree is the oldest, she lives in Southern California with her husband and they have a set of twins named Ethan and Ellie, and a recent addition to the family named Owen.

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I come after my sister in line. I currently reside in Laguna Beach California with my wife Alyssa, after attending BYU-Idaho where I studied Web Design & Development with an emphasis in web design.

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After myself I have my brother Cameron who lives in Utah with his wife both graduated from BYU-Provo. Isaac is my next brother who was attending BYU-Provo to play basketball was forced transferred and will now be playing for the UVU Wolverines with head coach Pope, former BYU assistant coach.

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My youngest brother Josh currently resides in California with my parents as he waits to head to Botswana and Namibia for his LDS mission for two years, he also loves to play volleyball. We hope that he will one day be on a college team playing his favorite sport. Hannah is the youngest and she enjoys creating things that she finds on Pinterest as well as play the Piano and Acting in school plays. She also loves hanging out with her friends and learning at school.